
Shooting for Top Performance and Accuracy

Shooting for Top Performance and Accuracy For the experienced firearms aficionado, there are a number of factors to consider when gunning for top performance and accuracy with sports shooting and hunting. Among these are the shooter’s visual perception, fine motor

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The Magic Bullet

The Magic Bullet Professional athletes and actors are masters at making their craft look easy, belying the many hours of work and practice they invest in perfecting their skills. Similarly, the firing of a gun looks easy. You pull the

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Charting Ammo Size and Performance

Charting Ammo Size and Performance Early explorers often ventured into uncharted territory. Nowadays, those exploring the world of ammunition can arm themselves with knowledge that is off the charts. A bullet caliber size chart shows a measurement in inches and

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Packing Heat

Packing Heat The term packing heat connotes carrying a gun and has become part of the vernacular.It conjures up an image of guys sitting around a table in a smoke-filled room counting money or playing cards, their weapon of choice

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Who You Going to Call? Ammo Myth Busters!

Who You Going to Call? Ammo Myth Busters! As with just about anything else in society these days, there are myths surrounding ammunition. Their origin is often unclear and increasingly difficult to dispel with the passage of time. Time to

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Staying on Target with Ammo Disposal

Staying on Target with Ammo Disposal Although it’ll last longer than a popsicle on a summer day in Death Valley or most Hollywood weddings, ammunition doesn’t have an infinite life. There will come a time when stored ammo loses its

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Ammo Comes in Different ‘Flavors’

Ammo Comes in Different ‘Flavors’ For the novice gun owner, finding the right ammunition can be overwhelming. Store shelves and cases feature dozens of different types of ammo that beckon the shopper with promises of power and accuracy while using

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Keeping Ammo Fresh and Fired Up

Keeping Ammo Fresh and Fired Up Just as it’s crucial to store food so it won’t go bad, it’s important to keep ammunition in a place where it will retain its firepower, so to speak. Here are 10 ammo storage

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